Ultrasound-guided Intraoperative Vascular Examination Leave a comment

In today’s operating rooms, there are a number of intraoperative imaging and assessment procedures. However, a consistent approach for analyzing and evaluating vascular operations does not exist.

Ultrasound-guided intraoperative vascular examination:

Ultrasonography is a method of seeing within the body using sound waves. Before the operation, the surgeon can use interoperative duplex ultrasound to see the route and amount of blood flow. Along with the surgical process, this evaluation is conducted by ultrasound scanners.

When is an ultrasound test needed?

During a surgical bypass operation, the doctor can prescribe an ultrasound-guided procedure to see and monitor the blood flow (repairing diseased arteries in the neck, kidneys, or lower legs with healthy veins from the leg).

Which ultrasound frequency can be used?

Vascular diagnostics is performed intraoperatively using a linear 9.5 MHz ultrasound, such as the Wireless Linear Ultrasound Scanner: Vsono-L1

The Vsono-L1 is a wireless color Doppler linear ultrasound scanner. This probe was designed for the scanning of different shallow areas of the body.  The Vsono-L1 has a linear (i.e. flat) head with a frequency ranging from 7.5 to 10 MHz, allowing for a clear superficial scanning and an easier diagnosis.

How does it work?

Following surgery, but before the skin is closed, the vascular surgeon performs an ultrasound technique. On the appropriate location. The transducer is held by the surgeon near to the blood artery being examined. The blood in the arteries and the tissue in the body bounce sound waves back and forth. As a result, the echoes are reflected back to the transducer.


Researches suggest that using intraoperative vascular Doppler in conjunction with microsurgical varicocelectomy allows for a greater number of arterial branches to be preserved. Internal spermatic veins are also more likely to be ligated. Ultrasound scanners should be viewed as a desirable tool for enhancing surgical outcomes and safety.

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